Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Coach Profile: Get To Know Josh Nipper

Hello, and welcome to the new working progress of the C.A.P.E. blog! Whether interviews, updates or mindless happiness that is just aimed to put a smile on your face, this is where you’ll find it!

I wanted to kick things off with an interview with one of our coaches…Josh Nipper. If your son/daughter has participated in baseball, soccer or basketball, I’m sure you know who he is. I got to thinking though (scary, I know lol): we see Josh coaching our kids in all of these various sports, but how well do any of us really KNOW him? All that changes today!

                                        (Left to right) Josh, Rick & KJ
Q:  How long have you been volunteering with CAPE?
A: I began my work with CAPE in 2009 during my senior year of high school. I began as an assistant coach and have worked from that to a regular head coach and advisory board member of the organization.
Q:  What made you start, maybe even more importantly, what made you STAY?

A: As mentioned, I began to volunteer my senior year. I was enrolled in a class that would let class out a couple hours early so you could volunteer with a non-profit organization. Luckily Mr. Ryan lives right across the street, so it was no problem finding one. After my very first time assisting in basketball, I fell in love with the kids. They always have a positive attitude and are simply fun to be around.

Q:  What is your favorite sport to PLAY?  What's your favorite sport to COACH?

A: My favorite sport to play and coach would have to be baseball.

Q:  On Saturday mornings, what do you like to eat for breakfast before you come to CAPE?

A: Normally I will just eat a bowl of cereal and some fruit, but from time to time I will stop at the Subway close to the fields.

Q:  Are you in the Marines?  Is it fun?

A: I am currently an Officer Candidate in the United States Marine Corps. I have successfully graduated my first half of training and will continue to my second half this summer. I am the squad leader of Officer Candidates in the Middle Tennessee area.

Q:  If you won a million dollars today, what would you spend it on?

A: If I won a million dollars, I would spend it on the CAPE Organization. I would buy a top-notch facility, TV- Time, and all the gear the kids could ever need. The remaining amount would be left in a place where it’s interest could be maximized to fund CAPE for many years to come.

Q:  Do you want to have a wife and kids someday?

A: This is a loaded question for someone only 20 years of age. Right now my life revolves around college, the Marines, and Cape. However, maybe down the road a significant other could creep into the equation.

Q:  Are you afraid of anything?

A: Great question. I have unconventional fears. Things like sharks, snakes, heights, even death do not scare me. However, my biggest fear is leaving this world without striving to make a positive difference. You only have one life to live and I believe one person can truly change the world.

Q: If you could explain what you find special & important about CAPE to someone who may have never heard of us before, what would you tell them?

A: I would explain to them how different CAPE is from anywhere else. We put no limits on what the kids can do, they all have the chance to go out and play the same sport everyone else does. CAPE truly shows that the limitations society associates with special needs children are simply wrong. The kids of CAPE amaze me every time I am with them. Through witnessing their growth, it debunks the perceived definition of their limitations. The only way to know this is to witness it for yourself.

Am I the only parent reading this that kept thinking, "What a neat young man!" I think it takes a terribly special young man/woman to volunteer their time, especially at a time when most people that age are far more concerned with themselves than giving to others. Our kids are definitely lucky to have a young man like Josh to share his time & his heart with them season after season!!

I'd like to give a BIG thank you to Josh for taking the time to do this interview!!  

By: Amanda R. Zill Morse

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